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A track record of fully franked dividends

A track record of fully franked dividends

Invest in the PIC of the crop

Traded just like any stock, the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX: PIC) provides easy access to a diverse portfolio of Australian and global shares. It’s designed to deliver an income stream and long-term capital growth.


You can buy and sell PIC shares on the ASX via your stockbroker, share trading account or other securities platform.

Why listed investment companies (LICs)?

PIC is a listed investment company. LICs aim to provide investors with a simple and convenient way to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, managed by a professional investment team. Investors can buy and sell LIC shares on the ASX.

What is a listed investment company (LIC)?

Why choose PIC?

PIC is focused on identifying high quality, attractively valued securities using a proven investment process that can navigate through tougher operating environments.

Since its listing on the ASX in 2014, PIC has established a track record of delivering consistent investment performance and has provided its shareholders with income via a consistent, fully franked dividend stream.[1]

Download PIC's latest monthly report


Key features

Easy access via the ASX

With a single trade, PIC provides investors with easy access to an actively managed portfolio of Australian and global listed securities.

Actively managed

Actively managed by Perpetual Asset Management, one of Australia’s most experienced fund managers.

Consistent income stream

A track record of delivering an income stream of fully franked dividends [1].


PIC has the flexibility to invest up to 100% in Australian listed securities, up to 35% in global listed securities and up to 25% in cash.

Why Perpetual?

Proven investment experience for over 50 years

PIC is actively managed by Perpetual Asset Management - one of Australia’s most experienced fund managers.

It provides investors access to the Manager’s track record of investing excellence, underpinned by a unique investment approach that focuses on fundamental research and analysis of quality, value and risk.


Why invest in PIC now?

The portfolio continues to be invested in a diverse mix of quality businesses with good prospects and solid balance sheets that are trading at reasonable valuations.

While the market outlook is unknown, there are always opportunities for investors to re-position their portfolios. In times such as these, we believe the need for yield and the search for income becomes more important than ever before.

With the ability to invest up to 35% of the portfolio in global equities and up to 25% in cash, PIC’s flexible investment strategy has the ability to enhance returns from global markets and better manage market risk.

Download the PIC flyer

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How to invest

You can buy and sell shares in PIC on the ASX via your stockbroker, share trading account or other securities platform.

Speak to your stockbroker, accountant or financial adviser.

For more information please contact Karen Trau at Investor Relations:

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[1] Past payments of dividends is not indicative of future payments of dividends. The payment of dividends is at the discretion of the PIC board.

Disclaimer/important information

All investments carry risk, including loss of capital.  This information was prepared by Perpetual Investment Management Limited (PIML) ABN 18 000 866 535, AFSL 234426. PIML is the manager for the Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (Company) (ASX: PIC) ACN 601 406 419. It is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. You should consider, with a financial adviser, whether the information is suitable for your circumstances. This information is in summary form and is not necessarily complete. It should be read together with other announcements for the Company lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange, which are available at www.asx.com.au. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information.

This information may contain information that is based on projected and/or estimated expectations, assumptions or outcomes. These forward-looking statements are subject to a range of risk factors. The Company and PIML caution against relying on any forward-looking statements, particularly due to uncertainty and volatility in the market and geo-political factors.

While PIML has prepared this information based on its current knowledge and understanding and in good faith, there are risks and uncertainties involved which could cause results to differ from the forward-looking statements. Neither the Company or PIML will be liable for the correctness and/or accuracy of the information, nor any differences between the information provided and actual outcomes, and reserves the right to change its projections or other forward-looking statements from time to time. Neither the Company nor PIML undertake to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation, subject to disclosure obligations under the applicable law and ASX listing rules.

Neither the Company, PIML nor any company in the Perpetual Group guarantees the performance of, or any return on an investment made in, the Company. Perpetual Group means Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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